Is comfort a feeling or a condition? How do you actually live in your own comfort and when does something feel really cozy? With dance, puppetry and performance we go in search of cosiness, ask questions, explore shapes and search levels.
Artistic Direction, Choreography Johannes Blattner Concept, Puppetry Hanna Malhas Dance Selina Koch, Martina Gunkel, Anika Bendel, Elias Bäckebjörk, Lisa Thomas Music Vincent Wikström Costume Katharina Ruprecht Homepage, Live-Stream Christoph Diefenthal, Matthias Gunkel
Funded by the Performing Arts Fund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, from the City of Stuttgart and the LBBW Foundation. With the kind support of FITZ, the production center for dance and performance, of Economia GmbH, Tanztendenz Munich, the New York City Dance School and Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart gUG.
Theaterhaus Stuttgart
T3 Siemensstraße 11
70469 Stuttgart
Theaterhaus Stuttgart
T3 Siemensstraße 11
70469 Stuttgart
Theaterhaus Stuttgart
T3 Siemensstraße 11
70469 Stuttgart
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