by IPtanz

2020 | Köln

“These folk wouldn’t feel the devil, even If he’d got them dangling by the neck.” (Faust / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

The devil embodies the manifestation of evil. Exorcising the devil – a relic from the past: a body obsessed with evil, maladjusted, uncomfortable, a medieval point of view? IPtanz looks at the timelessness of aspects of dealing with the devil as a picture for forms of social discipline and arbitrariness. The devil as a seducer, a confuser, as its name Diabolos reveals. The staging gives no answers, doesn’t blame. The installation becomes a net of body metaphors and impressions. In the irritation of the familiar space, the dubiousness of standpoints becomes visually transparent for the viewer.

An exhibition after the performances gives insights into the text and topics, that influenced and inpired the rehearsal process.
The productions by IPtanz are aimed at an audience that is consciously looking for the experience in rooms outside the theater.

The production SEED was nominated for the Cologne dance and theater award by the SK foundation in 2019.

Choreography Ilona Pászthy Piece Development Ilona Paszthy in cooperation with the team Dance Diana Treder, Stefanie Schwimmbeck/Anika Bendel Szenography miegL Live Percussion, Music Christoph Schumacher Technical Direction Garlef Kessler

Funded by Cultural Office of the City of Cologne, Ministry for Culture and Science of the State of Northrhine-Wesphalia. In cooperation with Barnes Crossing – Freiraum für TanzPerformanceKunst. Special thanks to Andreas Schmitz.


04-09-2021, 19:00

art quarter Budapest
Nagytétényi út 48-50
1222 Budapest

03-09-2021, 20:00

art quarter Budapest
Nagytétényi út 48-50
1222 Budapest

24-10-2020, 20:00


art quarter budapest
Nagytétényi út 48-50
1222 Budapest, Hungary

23-10-2020, 20:00


art quarter budapest
Nagytétényi út 48-50
1222 Budapest, Hungary

04-10-2020, 20:00

(Rh)einfach Festival
Tanzfaktur Köln
Siegburger Straße 233W, 50679 Köln

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